Sunday, March 29, 2009

Alan Wake Where Are You?

What is Alan Wake?

What is alanwake

How Good Is Alan Wake Graphics?

Looks Real Time To me. Notice all the details in the Bookstore/ This is Remedy Stuff boys. High Quality…

Dead Eye Effect Is Not Impressive

How Does it Play?

I Dunno but what i know is…

Creepy but without Zombie. Will Include Moody Surrealistic thriller story and heavy emphasize on light.

When It Will Be Released?

all of the picture is trademark of Remedy Entertainment

And it is taken from Alan Wake Official Website

Monday, March 23, 2009

Kejadian Bodoh: Kelaparan

23 March 2009

Jam 12 Siang waktu gw Sedang Tutorial Machine Learning mengenai Bayesian Network n kita lagi  ngomongin faktor2 yang menyebabkan n disebabkan oleh jenis2 ikan tangkapan.

Sewaktu ngomongin Seabass terus suara perut gw yang keroncongan terdengar. Maklum belum sarapan n bangun telat.

Orang Sebelah Gw : “Seems like someone is a bit Hungry”

Dosen:”Not if you are in Antartica”