Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Monkey Island jokes

guybrush enter a house. a carpenter greets him

carpenter : hi, can i help you?

guybrush : how much wood could a woodchuck chuck
if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

carpenter : a woodchuck could chuck no amount of
wood since a woodchuck cant chuck wood

guybrush : but if a woodchuck could chuck and
would chuck some amount of wood
what amount of wood would a woodchuck chuck?

carpenter: even if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
And even if a woodchuck would chuck wood.
Should a woodchuck chuck wood?

guybrush : a woodchuck should chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood
, as long as a woodchuck would chuck wood

carpenter : oh shut up.
Is there anything else i can help you with?

Monday, May 7, 2007

The Beauty Of Assembly

# I AM %EIP!!!!!
----------------- || INCREASING ADDRESS
+8 |parameter | ||
----------------- ||
+4 |return address | ||
----------------- ||
basepointer(ebp) |old %ebp | ||
---------------- ||
topOfStack-4 also (esp) |local variable | \/

i really recomend you to read Jonathan Bartlett's book titled Programming from the Ground Up in google or other site*
It really helps you to understand how computer works and also about assembly
with a very fresh (and easy to understand) language

* if my memory still serve me well....the book link is available in wikipedia

Thursday, May 3, 2007

profesionalism in IT Support

Professionalism in IT...
Last week i bring my father fujitsu notebook to an computer service center..
but ALAS...damn it...
he said he could fix it....so i ust leave him be...
but then in the afternoon he cant determine when the notebook will be done....
its a damn frustatingly time for my father at that time because he really need it for his e-learning study of lemhamnas(national security of indonesia?)...

hell we dont need the exact time, just the approximation....
but damn he said "i cant promise bacause iam afraid to promise then i failed to fix the computer at that time i promise"....
My father : "How months that will it takes?" (joking)
IT support : "If you want to take it then just take it"
in indonesia we called it songong or arogant

you know the saying that goes like this "customer is the king"?
hell i guess in that place that saying mean nothing..he threaten the customer...
damn it if at that time there are any of computer services open near my house....if it werent for my father than i just leave that place...when to other place.

he underiestimated us...he threatened uss... and he dont have any professionalism.
it is just like when your boy got sick and when you ask the doctor about when your son will be recovered then he answer "I dont know(saya tak dapat memperkirakannya)"

damn it

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

i just bought billiard poll!!

yep my father think that the most apropriate present for an fifth grade children is a billiard pool.
It turns out to be just fine... amazing in fact
my little brother mastered(well not enough) billiard only in two days and in fact beat all of family (including my father, who taught him) after he master it....
wicked boy....
now all of my family(the male one only) are crazy about the little family billiard tournament..
we all waiting to knock him off the chart...