What i heard today is about another bomb in Jakarta. All this meaningless terrorism leads into another lost of death,cry,sense of desperation and meaningless hatred.
I heard it. I Saw it. People kill each other, kill women and innocent children and even desecrate grave for something we called faith. I believe in this kinda things then ill do anything as long my purpose/believe is fulfilled.
Does that justified killing?
Is this the world god envisioned to us?
I realized the savage nature of human being. I believe in humanity. I believe that one day we will see through it all. And believe that one day everyone will believe on the greater good. Instead of being selfish.
This is what i do if i want to do something evil someone else.
If you want to hit someone, imagine you hit the person you love the most such as your family? Do you dare to hit them?To desecrate their grave? To bomb them?
The Joy of living in this unique world where everyone is different from each other is to understand that differences and made peace about it. Not to fight with each other to determine who is right. Loving is about accepting flaws, not about perfection.