A month ago after played the fantastically Crysis both based on its graphical prowess and innovatively gameplay. The freedom and thinking man gameplay that energized the first half of the game make me giggle as a child throw in the plethora option of how can i combine the each unique nano suit’s power.
Its the best single player game i ever play since fear(frenetic action yet too bland and boring environment and almost non existent/not not interesting as the trailer suggest story and scariness that implied by its name).
But then i feel the need to play a macho game. Where i can put on the boots of some badass character and wreck havoc and feel a total bastardo.
not so macho……
My eye turned into Gears Of War 1 (Pc version of course i don't have xbox 360). The only thing i heard from people and website is how badass this game is. From the So macho one liners,fountain of stylish blood, blowing body to bits, and the most satisfying is to chainsaw foe’s while screaming like madman.
I got that sadistic satisfaction smile from its trailers,reviews and screenshot.
Yet i did not that macho feeling in Gears Of Wars. The Set piece is not that interesting(well there are one or two that is fun/interesting but never pass that GRAAAW moment), the pop and gun mechanic is good and the AI difficulties is so so. But the damn basic mechanic don't make me feel like I'm one of those Arnold Schwarzenegger Clone blasting shotgun.
Not even the Delta Squad Co is that macho. The conversation is so so… i don't feel the urgency… even if Marcus delivered it in such a low growl. The only thing macho about Gears of Wars is the Delta Squad equipment and bulky personnel.
To quote Eurogamer. “the game is basically put the player in a box and pour it with enemies”. It never ever get more interesting than this, not even the driving section that is more annoying than interesting. Not even the beautiful art direction and superb animation and texture qualities will help me feel like a macho super soldier.
I can only hope Gears of War 2 will ad more interesting set piece.
This make me realize something. Most of the high production value game today are aligning themselves to the more thinking or realistic approach. Almost all of them-if not most of them-. GTA IV,Bioshock,Crysis,Assassin's Creed,Dead Space. Most of these game force you to think to get to the end of the game. To calculate your movement carefully. To learn a new rule or gameplay gimmick. To make your character as weak as paper thin when your battling aliens from other galaxies.
Not that its bad. But somehow i missed the old days of simple traditional shooter where you only need to shoot your way through while the world surrounds you explode and your enemy dead in such a bloody viscera.
Not that i want another corridor shooter. It just i need the feeling that im the most powerful being in this game. That i can do something that matters. Something fucking awesome that ill glee in satisfaction. I want to be a fucking badass!!!!
In the next part i will talk about several example of theese badass games i talked about in this article.

come get some…… later